We are an evidenced based, behaviorally focused coaching center. We believe that performance and effectiveness are tied to how we behave and how we learn. Fortunately, rigorous social science has provided specific knowledge about the behaviors that matter—depending on the overall goal.
Your coaching experience will have the following benchmarks:
Contracting—type of coaching, anticipated length, nature of coaching, “rules” of engagement will be reviewed and mutually agreed.
Setting the context—situational elements pressing on coachee, primary area of focus or interest, key issues as initially seen will be identified.
Assessment and Appraisal—use of assessment methods to collect data efficiently about behavior, style, patterns, variables affecting the coaching situation and coachee needs depending on the development needs and overall complexity facing the individual.
Plan Creation—identification of two or three key goals to address the current situation, careful attention to learning-through-action strategies, examination of how to measure progress will be established.
Monitoring and Solution Development—calls at regular intervals to discuss movement on goals, identify new information, explore resistors to development, consider new strategies, evaluation of progress will be achieved.
Closure or Renewal—review of goals and progress, identification of any new needs, identification of maintenance strategies for ongoing effectiveness.
To set up an information interview to determine coaching fit, please contact us at: 336-774-0330 or info@leadership-systems.com